
Here, you'll find a collection of projects that explore the intersections of neuroscience, art, and creativity. From research articles to artistic collaborations and in-depth interviews, these works examine how science and art shape each other, offering perspectives on the mind, memory, and human experience.

Art, Science, Community Joshua Sariñana Art, Science, Community Joshua Sariñana

Exhibition: Rotch Library, The Poetry of Science

From December 6, 2021, to February 28, 2022, The Poetry of Science was exhibited at MIT’s Rotch Gallery, presenting a dynamic blend of poetry and photography that highlights the experiences and contributions of scientists of color. Directed by Joshua Sariñana, PhD, this multimedia project merges art and science to challenge traditional narratives and foster positive associations between communities of color and the sciences. Each work pairs portraits of scientists, visually embedded into natural landscapes, with poetry that explores their research, motivations, and lives.

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Art, Social Impact, Literature, Community Joshua Sariñana Art, Social Impact, Literature, Community Joshua Sariñana

The Poetry of Science Debuts at Lit Crawl Boston 2021

Joshua Sariñana, PhD, and Linsey Jayne, debuted their project, The Poetry of Science, at Lit Crawl Boston 2021. This initiative pairs local poets of color with scientists of color to address racial disparities in both fields while showcasing the profound connections between the sciences and the humanities. Poets collaborated with scientists in fields like quantum mechanics, radiology, and social robotics to craft original poetry inspired by their research, motivations, and personal stories. At the event, each poet presented one poem as a demonstration of their partnership and the creative synergies between poetry and science. Read the Interview >

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