Image of Structure at Panopticon Gallery

Four black and white, semi-abstract, architectural photos from a photograph series hung in a gallery

Selected photographs from, Image of Structure

Joshua Sariñana’s architectural photography series, Image of Structure, was featured in First Look 2019, a five-person exhibition at Panopticon Gallery, one of the oldest fine art photography galleries in the United States. Running from January 4 to March 4, 2019, the show explored how individual photographs contribute to a broader narrative when presented as a cohesive portfolio. Curated by Kat Kiernan, the exhibition emphasized the complexity and depth that comes from viewing photography as an interconnected body of work. Sariñana’s contribution examined the tension between structure and cognition, reinforcing his ongoing dialogue between neuroscience and photography.

Joshua Sariñana

Joshua Sariñana, PhD, obtained his degrees in neuroscience at the University of California, Los Angeles, and completed his doctoral thesis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Sariñana’s multi-disciplinary art projects bridge art, science, and media. He has received several grants for his art projects, exhibited his work nationally and internationally, and has received numerous awards for his photographic work.

He combines his science communications background with his neuroscience and art practice. Sariñana has provided his expertise to WIRED Magazine, MIT Technology Review, MIT News, and as an invited speaker for the Neurohumanities series at Trinity College in Dublin.

Feature Shoot Interview


Catalyst Interview - Bridging Science and Art